signum+ is specialized in services in the field of architecture and technical studies of industrial and non-industrial buildings for companies and for public or semi-public organizations.
Its main work-field lies in the coordinating or ‘shell’ activity of project coordination and management, including the development of organizational, structural and technical concepts, and – naturally – in the specialty or ‘sector’ activity of the architectural discipline – from the first sketches over detailed design up to the follow-up and control of the actual works.
Points of interest and competences:
signum+ architects is the recent successor to Signum – multiprofessional architects association, which was founded in 1995. Its management is in the hands of experienced architects MScEng.
The “+” symbolizes the added value which is brought about by an utmost effective innovation in the field of:
From the start the company could profit from the experience of a long tradition of architectural practice and project management in an integrated engineering and architectural firm. Furthermore, the synergy of complete study commissions has been extended into a structural collaboration with a high-quality partner for engineering, in which each partner can provide an optimal added value in the most efficient way, from which both the client and the internal returns profit.
Under these circumstances signum+ is well armed and very well placed to offer – alone or in collaboration – to clients the complete architectural and engineering services (AES) they need, for – even very complex and delicate – complete new buildings or renovation projects.
An important advantage of this approach is the integration of structures and technical equipments already in the first development of a concept, and the further development and control of a fully coordinated project by the leading architect (- engineer) who also watches over the complete cost of the project.
The operation of signum+ is supported by a highly motivated team. Thanks to a high level of professionalism, a list of excellent references can be presented.